Thursday, March 28, 2013

Innovative New Website for Chanteuses

I monitor websites of all the choruses in the greater Sacramento area, and there’s only one I would give an A+ rating to – Chanteuses’ recently redesigned site at Here are some of the features that make the site stand out, aside from the bright colorful images and clean design throughout:
  • Everything you might need or want to know (or that they might want you to know) is clearly and briefly presented on the home page – without clutter: the schedule of upcoming concerts, a news feed, CD information, a rotating “billboard” of items they want to highlight, etc.
  • The home page has links to the principal parts of the site at the top, where you would expect it. But the footer at the bottom of every page has not only those links, but contact information, and a link to sign up for their e-newsletter (managed by Constant Contact).
  • One of my favorite features is the page devoted to the 18 singers and their music director. There is a head shot identifying each person by name, and when you click on their picture or name, you get a bio, plus links for e-mail, their Facebook page and any other contact point they might have wanted to make public.
  • To promote their professionally produced Christmas CD, they have provided 30-second samples of each track.
  • There is a page of their history, a concert page that lists events through the end of the year (with a link to reviews), a donation page, and a page that highlights their patrons.
Of course, the challenge in any website is keeping it current and providing new interest, so Chanteuses has carved out a bit of extra work for someone in the organization. But the introduction of this site has raised the bar for the sites of small choruses in our area.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

American River Chorus Is Now Voices of California

Formed as recently as 2010 as a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, the American River Chorus has changed its name to Voices of California, in part to eliminate any confusion that they are affiliated with American River College.  But another motivation for the new name is to give the chorus a fresh image.  They explain:  "We wanted to 'rebrand' ourselves as our reputation grows and more people recognize the level of talent we bring to the stage. We are a dynamic singing group committed to truly entertaining shows for all ages. We put about 75 men (from ages 11 to 85) on the risers for a performance, but even more than that come to our weekly practices from as far away as Lake Tahoe, Modesto, Chico, and even Reno and Santa Rosa. Why? Because it’s so much fun to sing this well!"

Part of their success is evident in the fact that they have been invited to perform at the Barbershop Harmony Society's International Conference in Toronto in July.  Of more than 800 eligible choruses, only 29 were invited.

Voices of California will present its spring concert at the Crest Theatre in two shows on Saturday, May 11.  For more details about this event in the Sacramento Choral Calendar, click on this link.

And here is an invitation they have sent out regarding their upcoming Guest Night:  "The Voices of California is holding a Guest Night, Thursday, April 4th 2013 at 7:30 PM. Singers are invited to visit the premier men’s a cappella chorus in the Greater Sacramento area. Guests are promised an evening of singing, fun and fellowship. The location is the Collins Teen Center in West Sacramento."